Gafatasi Napoleon fights the war on Incels in Hawaii

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Gafatasi Napoleon is in prison for killing ( Alanaokala Solomon Covington ). Napoleon is convicted for killing him. But during trial there…

Gafatasi Napoleon fights the war on Incels in Hawaii

Gafatasi Napoleon is in prison for killing ( Alanaokala Solomon Covington ). Napoleon is convicted for killing him. But during trial there was allegations that Covington was assaulting and harassing women in the area. Napoleon at trial had to deal with the issue of being slutshamed for being a hero. Napoleon was under pressure to attack Covington or face the possibility of turning a blind eye on harassment. This state and country needs to start reforming good samaritan laws where people who do attack misogynists and rapists are not treated worse than the original victims they were trying to save. Napoleon did the right thing and responded to harassment in a situation where the courts may fail in cases like this.

Incels should be sent to the grave and here is why!! From the Article.

Officers are only one arm of the state’s multipronged approach to remove homeless campsites on state lands — the enforcement arm. Police swept the camp to search for outstanding warrants and accompanied service providers on outreach efforts to match dwellers with resources they might need.

But they’d been told by the state Department of Transportation not to evict anyone. So for months, they didn’t — even as police investigated the death of Alanaokala Solomon Covington, a 36-year-old who was shot in the chest steps away from the drainage ditch where Anderson died. He was shot by Gafatasi Napoleon on Oct. 14, 2016, for reportedly sexually violating homeless females — a cardinal sin among camp rules, according to longstanding camp residents.

“I was the one right next to him, shoulder to shoulder, when he was shot,” Jensen, camp elder, said. “For two days, the body laid there on the ground. We walked right over it.”

Napoleon is serving 20 years for manslaughter.

It is wrong to send a hero to prison for doing the right thing. To end Misogyny we need to make it legal to kill incels!