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Blue State Governors and Presidential Candidate Harris needs to negotiate with Ex-Republicans with…

Here we go again now that former President Trump is a convicted felon running for office, we need the Biden Administration to do something…

Blue State Governors and Presidential Candidate Harris needs to negotiate with Ex-Republicans with to save the country

Here we go again now that former President Trump is a convicted felon running for office, we need the Biden Administration to do something we have not seen since the era of Lincoln, Franklin D Roosevelt and George W. Bush that is declare martial law, state of emergency and send certain types of people to internment camps. Here is the reason why we need to send Trump supporters into internment camps it’s not just because Trump himself got convicted but also the Proud Boys have organized themselves from 2024 to the Inauguration Day in 2025. According to a June 2024 Reuters article, the terrorist organization Proud Boys is ready to radicalize Republicans at every turn, all to enable Trump and Allies at every moment. This has some serious implications to US Homeland Security on how they protect the integrity of the 2024 elections around the country. Sadly, we will need to go back to suspending due process for Republicans and have summary arrests. Anybody accused of aiding Trump, David Duke, and Putin should be denied due process without trial and deal with summary arrests. This also means ramping up wiretapping phones and social media traffic directed at Republicans at every turn as a preventative measure they are in the cult of Trump. Also, interestingly, Meghan McCain agrees with this idea of rounding up Republicans that engaged in January 6th to be treated like the terrorists that they are. Without this emergency order, we would follow the same issues Israel faced in the 2000’s and repeated since October 7th, 2023 it’s the daily attacks on their country.

Suspending Habeus Corpus against Trump Supporters would save from dealing with a bigger disaster like not taking steps to prevent a disaster from happening. Sending Trump supporters to internment camps will help us remain safe in the long term. The administration and congressional allies of Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D Roosevelt, and George W. Bush all had the right ideas on how to protect the country from escalation when the country faces danger, but the solutions, when it is implemented will always be unpopular when it’s presented to the voters. But the alternative is to repeat the scenarios Israel faced in the 2000’s and it’s history repeated since 2023. Sometimes prevention is needed now to ensure we do not get into a bigger mess in the future.

From 2020

Ever since this article was released Kamala Harris is named to take over Joe Biden’s as Presidential Candidate for the White House. Also as much as I want Gavin Newsom to be VP for Harris I have to put Newsom aside given that VP Harris needs to find a candidate who has the best record in negotiating with Ex-Republicans to side with Biden and Harris. Yes I mean a certain number of Democrats that were endorsed by Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney in the 2022 elections that the Harris Campaign supports. All in all to be continued until November 2024 for more details if this works out.