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We Need to support Vigilantes that go after not just Pedos but also declare war on Misogynists and…

We need to update our goals here. Its just that the world has changed and I get it predator hunting became a big thing when the Catholic…

We Need to support Vigilantes that go after not just Pedos but also declare war on Misogynists and Incels in the name of going after MAGA and Hamas

We need to update our goals here. Its just that the world has changed and I get it predator hunting became a big thing when the Catholic Church was exposed for having Pedos in their ranks. I supported groups like “To Catch A Predator” and Perverted justice when they started luring and exposing them for grooming. Yes everything is good and we accomplished causing child molesters to live in fear and hope a vigilante kills them. However we need to do more like pardon vigilantes not just because they killed a child predator but also because they killed incels that raped women and LGBT people and they justified being an incel, misogynist and anti-LGBT in the process. Also these predators justify their actions by being anti-abortion. Yes this is while us straight men get dragged by these incels drama. We need to make hunting, confronting, incels and in some cases use deadly force against incels in able for us straight men to show we are doing something to stop systemic homophobia, transphobia and misogyny from happening. If Israel can kill by accusing Hamas of being incels and rapists so everybody here in the United States can do the same thing too by killing MAGA, “Pro-Lifers” Republicans by accusing them of being incels and rapists too.

Yes I mean free and pardon Nicholas Roske, John Eisenmann, Ken Arrasmith, Hercules, Joseph Thoresen, Jenson Hankins, Quy Ngoc Vu and every person who murdered incels to restore their freedom. These anti-incel vigilantes faced hero-blaming and the samaritans never considered that dead incels can retaliate from the grave or hospital beds in some cases when they faced trial and a life sentence. I call on courts to stop this type of retaliation and take it on face value. Also stop investigating vigilante attacks on sex offenders, incels, misogynists and pedos. These types of people deserve to be treated like trash by vigilantes and they are subhumans. Let look at how former President Rodrigo Duterte started out in the vigilante business with his original intent to kill rapists, incels, misogynists and child molesters before he moved to killing gang members, terrorists and corrupt politicians with an entire police force supporting him. This is how he won elections in the past by tearing down this type of stuff before he himself got corrupted by a cult leader that bribed him.

Here is why we need to send incels to their graves its because they hijacked our side to mean lets drag unrelated groups to our drama. This is what is plaguing us as straight men. We let these shitheads lecture us about women, Children, LGBT People, abortions and Race and we failed to go after these people with multiple confrontations and attacks. We need to make incels scared for their lives that they dare not to do stuff to people in that way. Yes we need to follow the justifications Israel did in 2023 and the Bush Administration did in the 2000’s when they declared war on Hamas, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. We need to be ruthless and mercurial via declaring martial law on these types of people and declare war on them. Yes we exterminated, jailed, tortured and bombed terrorists in the 2000’s . However we need congress and Governors to do the same by calling for an extermination of incels, using the patriot act on them in the name of declaring war on MAGA. We also need to exterminate white supremacists, white evangelicals while we are at this to ensure we achieve the results we need to stop incels. That means we round up incels and send them to extermination camps for their sins. That also means we send death squads to colleges to go after male fraternities who engage in incel and misogyny and start removing them by any means necessary even if it means taping them get beat up in the same way Hercules tried to exterminate Rapists from Bangladesh. We need to condone this to ensure we stop misogyny. Once the bodies pile up then we can have a better society for everybody.

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