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Sara Kruzan The Hero who saved herself from abuse

This is another case where the Hero gets the worst slutshaming after the pimp dies. Thank You Governor Newsom for pardoning a hero who have spent decades in prison for doing the right thing here. This is the problem of the 3 strikes and your out laws in the state it fails to look at cases like this. Also the hero has no clue that they would end up more paranoid than even the victims going through the same thing. Also lets grant blanket pardons for those that kill domestic abusers, pedophiles, rapists, incels, misogynists, child molesters, pimps, Homophobes, and Transphobes. Sometimes the fight for civil rights will end up in the bloody way though. Also the fight for these rights end in the hero facing PTSD because these Heroes cannot see that a dead abuser can slutshame from the grave. These heroes should not be in San Quentin on Death Row doing the right thing here.

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